The Importance of Exercise

chiropractic keeps you moving

Exercise and physical activity are some of the most important factors contributing to a healthy lifestyle. It’s arguably the single most powerful thing we can perform to improve our health.

How much exercise do Australians get?

1 in 2 adults do not meet the physical activity guidelines and only 15% of adults meet muscle strengthening activity recommendations. There has only been a 4% improvement in physical activity across Australian adults over the last decade.

What are the effects of low physical activity?

In 2015, 2.5% of the total disease burden in Australia was due to insufficient levels of exercise. 10% of this number was due to type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

Lack of exercise also increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) and chronic disease.

How much exercise should Australians aim for?

Health guidelines suggest 2.5 – 5 hours of moderate intensity PA (physical activity) or 1.25 – 2.5 hours of vigorous activity each week. These numbers to people who haven’t exercised much in the past sound very high and almost impossible to meet.

The key with exercise is gradual exposure. Start with the absolute minimum. That for some people might be 5 minutes each day and that’s fine. This can be as simple as going for a walk or riding a bike.

With such lifestyle changes we’re aiming for adherence and sustainability. 

If you have pain or discomfort limiting your ability to exercise Dr. Michael Black is available for consultation. Michael in most cases will use a combination of manual therapy such as massageand appropriate rehabilitative care with the aim of reducing pain and improving function.

For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Black at Manningham Road Chiropractic Centre and Armadale Chiropractic Centre. Private health funds cover chiropractic care and some patients qualify for a Medicare EPC referral if they have a long-standing problem.